Our gathering on 7 June 2008 , according to Mr Chow... "It is just the beginning. In time, more will be connected and as we approach this stage of our lives, every time we get together we recharge one another and bring back youthfulness to all."
I agree with him wholeheartedly. However, most of us would have wanted to catch up with one another but the evening was too short for everybody to do so. Hence some of us have agreed that our individual recollections be posted to the blog for all to reminisce and to maintain our bonding. I am sure you have noticed the flooding of emails during the past week under the heading "Its payment time". Those interesting contributions have been collated for this blog...Have fun reading!
My unforgettable group dating and copy cat days by Janet:
Not much juicy story to tell except that Ah Foo and I were "lamposts" to Iris & Sien Chi .. There was nothing going on between Ah Foo & Me OK! ;).. We were staying in the same neighbourhood behind the wayang stage at Coconut Hill End..

I remember Sien Chi, Iris, Ah Foo & I went swimming in one of the swimming complexes. While trying to swim, I somehow got underwater. Upon seeing all the legs dangling by the wall & hearing the howling water sound, I was really frightened . After that incident, I dared not go underwater for a long long time till adulthood... We were just trying to lend a hand to SC.. They call it group dating?
Some time when I recalled my primary school days, I felt quite embarrassed. I supposed in your mind, I was very naughty & very fierce,right? Because I was class monitress and prefect. Tell me frankly ..
(Janet was very confident. That was why she was Mr Kanda's apple and was a prefect cum monitress of Pr6A)
On one occasion I was severely caned by my mum, leaving behind "kway teow" lines all over my legs. Normally during recess time, I would play 'One-leg catching' in the quadrangle under the hot sun, bare-footed. Because of this, my feet would develop some blisters.. With all "kway teow" strokes on my legs, I was so embarrassed that I just stood against the wall outside the tuckshop during recess, thinking that no one would notice.. So silly.. haha.. Aiya.. I regretted having done all those I naughty things. But I was quite strong willed too. I was afraid of nobody as a result of all those caning.
In Pr6, I met my match, Cheng Huat! One day I saw him copying during our Chinese test. Immediately, I told the teacher aloud, "lau shi, Cheng Huat dou kan shu". He was then punished. (If I'm not mistaken, he was caned by Mr Kanda). After that, Cheng Huat threatened and warned me that he would "wait" for me outside school! I was fearful and dared not go home immediately after the bell had rung. I waited till everybody had left school, then sneaked out, looking back and forth just in case Cheng Huat pounced on me! I lived in fear for the following few days.. haha.. Somehow, he didnt take revenge on me.. Phew! Else I wouldn't be here to organise our class gathering.. :)
Well, these are some small incidents to share :)
I have got some confessions to make....but it's not what you are thinking....

I used to wonder why Bon could write English Composition so well. Whenever Mr Kanda asked me to carry English Composition books, I would always try to look through Bon's book. At times I would 'borrow' sentences and rewrite mine before SUBMITING TO Mr KANDA .. It had never occurred to me that Mr Kanda would know that I copied. :) Too Simple minded then... Mr Kanda however NEVER UTTERED A WORD to me!.. I suppose he felt that at least by copying I learnt something.. For that, I appreciate him. Thank God, I didnt get caning like Cheng Huat!
Maybe my composition did improved, thanks to you, Bon. Will buy you coffee, some time..

PS: Akan datang, more to come......
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