Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Dear Knees Letter

Dear Knees, oh How I hate to write
Dear Knees, I must tell you tonite....

My dearest right and left knee,

Please forgive me for the unnecessary trauma I caused to both of you due to my ignorance and wrong running method in 2009. By running so many marathons last year, it make me the bigger fool. I don't know where the pluck I got the focking idea of running heel down first (ouch!). It was after watching Evolution Running that I realized how much agony I bestow upon you (which happen to be me too). I never meant to hurt you, trust me, it pain me as much as you. (of course lah stupid! those are my knees what!).

For the benefits of my follow runners, may I have your permission to replay our October 2009 Interval training (which now seem so brainless) so that they will no make the same mistakes as I do :((

My non-fatal mistakes were :
1) Arms not swinging backward
2) Heels not flicking backward

My fatal mistakes:
1) Over strike with foot way in front of knee
2) Resulting in BANG! Heel hitting the ground first!!!!

Hopefully it will save many of my friends and also many of your friends with a common name call KNEES.

thank you and sayang sayang

yours dearest-ly

12 January 2010

How not to run like Botak

BANG!! right heel hit the ground first

Over strike, right foot is way in front of the knee

Arms not swinging back

Left foot ahead of knee again

Contact! BANG!!!
heel hit the ground OUCH!!!!

video clips of evolution running


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