Chapter 2, the story continue... run with me

Andrew Yong, Andrea Yong, Anthony Lim, Elton Chew Kian Giap, Lau Shen Liang, Lee Teck Khing, Daniel Ong, Billy Phua, Roger Lim, Lee Teck Seng, Ng Kim Hoo, Zeng ShiYao,
Chan Ming Tat, Mag Yong Kwang, Bay Eng Seng, Sam Foong, Franklin Tan, William Tay, Sim Wong Hoo, Botak Sim, Sim Shao Chong, Ernest Sim Li Ern, Sim Li Bin, Patrick Peng, Peter Poh, Vincent Teo, Hazel Goh, Mohanadas Kandiah, Mavis Goh Hin Fang, Huang Zhao Ming, Sin Wey Kian, Melvyn Ho, Yap Shui Huat
YRPR 5Km Run
Chia Way Seng, Bala Kerisnan, Ong Poh Gek Joycelyn, Margaret Rajesinary, Lee Ai Lay, Lee Bon Hian, Janet Chew, Loh Kim Chuan, Sim Shao Jean, Shirley Tan, Philip Kho
I am encouraged and touch by so many of you signing up for YRPR "read voluntarily" (Quote my old friend, Way Seng (" the fact that we have a great friend in Freddy to "cajole, bribe, demand, threaten, and now even considering hijacking us at the end of the 6 Sep 09 yellow ribbon run" is actually a blessing........")
I hope after the run, running will become part of your weekly "ex" regime. If you find the "ex" regime too tough to handle, lighten it by adding a S to ex = "Sex"
Something you know is about to change...
SEX is no more a dirty word
SEX is no more a dirty word
In fact, I confess my favorite past time is S.E.X.... I do it many times a day
won't you join me in this wonderful activities?
won't you join me in this wonderful activities?
Something you know is about to change...
Pain is no more a chore...
Pain has a new name, it is call marathon
won't you join me in this "painful" walk?
Something you know you better change...
non-runner, run
runner but non-marathoner, marathon
non-durian eater, eat durian lah, you don't know WTF (what the fruit) you had been missing!
Everything you know about running is about to change...
Road = run
Mountain = climb
Food = come
Zii = fun :))
Mountain = climb
Food = come
Zii = fun :))
A good day is when I get to run...
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