Dear All,
I am very pleased to officially announce that we are now ready for our BPES
Class of 1970 Reunion which we were anxiously looking
forward for the past 2 months.The details are as follows:-
Date : Saturday 8 November 2008
Time : 6:30pm to 10:00pm
Venue : Staff Centre ( Via Gate 3)
Singapore Polytechnic
500 Dover Road
Refer Map Attached
We have managed to contact 40 of our BPES friends and 4 teachers. We are
expecting at least 30 of our friends and 3 of our teachers
namely Mr Chow Chee Wing, Mr Kandasamy and Mr Murthi to turn-up for this
historical event. It is going to be a wonderful and fabulous
evening and I am very sure all us are looking forward to catch up with our
friends especially after the lapse of 38 years for many.
We have gathered many good collections of photographs that were taken
during our primary school years and we will be running thru them
during this evening. I believe this will be the main highlight of the day
and the subsequent discussions and participation by all of you during
this photo review will be a moment that will remain with us for a long long
Now we would like to finalise the list of friends who will be joining us
for this "once in a life time event".
For those who have already responded thank you very much.
For those who have yet to do it please keep me and Ai Lay posted.
Hope to hear from all of you soon.
I am looking foreward to seeing all of you again.
On the reunion evening.......

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