I saw this Ford Anglia parked along Bencoolen Street opposite NAFA. They were very popular cars during our primary school days in the 60s and I can't remember if Mr Kandasamy or one of the other teachers drove one. But i definitely remembered Mr Kanda driving a red topless Sunbeam to work (or was it white with top).
Anyone knows which year number plate ST3590 is registered? I know that 'SU" is 1961, so this must be 1958 to 1960 because then there were not so many cars... Cars were meant for the rich like Eng Kiong's dad (Mercedes 190), Kim Chuan's dad (Morris Minor), Way Seng's family (Ford Cortina). Cars were dreams of little boys and some of us had the priviledge of borrowing Mr Kanda's 'World Cars" book home to browse.
I remembered my family's first second hand French "SIMCA" that was registered as "SU" and we got it when I was in Pri 6 or Sec 1.
Sien Chi
Guan Huat & Sien Chi
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