Another treasure found ! This was from the treasure chest of Fei Kuen, younger sister of Lee Kuen.
This photo was taken in 1967 by Mr Yuen, husband of Ms Heng. Some of these students were from our year and the rest one year younger.
Front row from left:This photo was taken in 1967 by Mr Yuen, husband of Ms Heng. Some of these students were from our year and the rest one year younger.
Ng Swee Keow, Woon(or Voon) Chong , Nadira (school athlete), Alice Lee , Edward Lee Chee An, Kwoh Leong Keong
Second row from left:
Lee Kuen, Fei Kuen, Koh Kheng Song, Lim Leong Foh (Leong Ding's younger brother), Tan Chee Keng (Gek Lee's younger brother)
Tan Gek Lee, Loh Poh Choon, Miss Heng